Background Information
Rhinoplasty is an overall term used to describe a range of surgical procedures, which may be used to re-shape the nose, or correct nasal deformities to relieve blockages in the nose.
In common terms, a “nose job”! Rhinoplasty is an operation to improve the shape and size of the nose so that it is in harmony with the rest of the face. A nosecorrection is essentially a surgical sculpting of the nose and is accomplished by careful contouring of the bone and cartilage giving the nose its shape.
At the same time deformities that cause breathing problems and some sinus disorders can be corrected. Most incisions (seamless rhinoplasty) are placed inside the nose where they are least visible.
Your nose is the second most prominent feature on your face, next to your eyes, and its size and shape may be the most obviously defining characteristic of your face.
However, when considering nasal surgery, doctors and patients must consider both the appearance and function of the nose. This is because the size of the breathing passages is sometimes reduced when the size of the nose is altered. If you are considering a rhinoplasty, the following information will give you a basic understanding of the procedure.
It can’t answer all your questions, since a lot depends on the individual patient and the surgeon. Please ask a surgeon about anything you don’t understand.
Goals in FFS
Reduce the male proportions of the nose :
width of the bony pyramid
width of the dorsal septal cartilage
height of the domes
quareness of the tips
flat broad tip
hanging columella
flaring of the nostrils
Lateral view
Corneal glabella distance is too much
Supra tip too high
Nasolabial angle is 90 degrees (too small, should be 100 or more)
In female proportions we want
smooth line of the dorsum
two light lines from the brow to the supratip
straight dorsum
a good definition of the supratip
female nasal labial angle (110 – 120 degrees)
Rhinoplasty can take between one and two hours to complete.
General anesthesia or a combination of local anesthesia and sedation may be used. The surgeon often cuts the skin inside the rim of the nostrils to avoid any visible scars.
However, for more complicated operations an “open” technique may be used where a small cut is made across the base of the nose on the strip of tissue that separates the nostrils. This “open” procedure may result in a small scar on the underside of the nose, but it can make it easier for the surgeon to operate in more difficult cases and it will be quite difficult to see the scar afterwards.
During surgery, the soft tissue of the nose is separated from the bone and cartilage underneath the skin. Then the bone may be broken and repositioned and the cartilage reshaped to achieve the look you require. A splint is applied and the nostrils are packed lightly with medicated gauze.
If the nose is not being reduced in size, then the nose is only taped while it is healing and stitches are not required. If stitches are used to close internal wounds, they will dissolve automatically and will not require removal by a doctor. If a cut is made across the skin separating the nostrils, then the stitches may need to be removed.
Who is the best candidate for this procedure?
Your nose appears too large for your face
There is a bump on the nasal bridge when viewed in profile
Your nose seems too wide when viewed from the front
The nasal tip droops or plunges
The tip is thickened or enlarged
Your nostrils are excessively flared
Your nose is off-center or crooked
Previous injury has made
Your nose asymmetrical
Patients with sufficient physical and emotional maturity who undergo rhinoplasty because they want to enhance their self-image are usually very satisfied with their decision. Because of individual factors, not everyone will achieve the same results from rhinoplasty. Your surgeon’s goal is to obtain the best possible results for you.