Plastic surgeon
M.D. of Medicine
Belgian GMC Number : 1-09520-90-210
British GMC number : 6045645 – appraised and revalidated in 2014 – plastic surgeon consultant
Member of BCAM (British College of Aesthetic Medicine )
October 2005 – present:
Private practice (cosmetic surgery ) and NHS public practice in the Belgian system – independant practioner with interest in facial skin cancer and breast reconstruction
Additional visits to several other plastic surgeons, ie New York University Hospital. He is a licensed plastic surgeon since 2003.
2003 – 2005:
Fellow/Registrar in several units of the UK , and India (4 months) :- Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London
- Cosmetic Surgery, London ( Mr BM Jones, King Edward VII Hospital)
- Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India (Head and Neck Surgery)
- Bruce Bailey fellowship (BAPS approved, Hand and Microsurgery)
- Ganga Hospital , Coimbatore,India www.gangahospital.com
- St Andrew’s Centre for Plastic Surgery, Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex
July 2003:
Diploma of Plastic Surgeon in Belgium.
2000 – 2002:
Registrar in Belgian University Plastic Surgery units (University of Leuven and University of Liège)
1997 – 1999:
Registrar general surgery (including emergency , ie resuscitation).
Senior House Officer